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Devoured by Cannabis

Douglas Wilson

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Devoured by Cannabis

Douglas Wilson


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  • A blunt rebuke of high society.

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    Many conservatives are ready to give up on fighting against the legalization of marijuana. “Hasn’t the war on drugs been a complete failure?” they ask. And libertarians turn this surrender into a virtue: “People should be free to do what they want, as long as they’re not hurting anyone.” But as Christians, we must be ready to swim against the tide even when it’s no longer cool. (And no, we don’t do it by making unsubstantiated claims about Reefer Madness.)

    In Devoured by Cannabis , Douglas Wilson establishes from Scripture that marijuana usage is not comparable to alcohol consumption or to smoking cigarettes, and demonstrates that getting stoned is not an option for believers. Then he explains why keeping marijuana illegal is not a pointless battle but an important cultural watershed for every citizen. When we are deciding which laws are best, wisdom considers not just individual license but also which industries, penalties, and incentives we are putting in place. Liberty for potheads means tyranny for everyone, including the smokers enslaved by the drug.

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  • Douglas Wilson is the minister of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, which is a member of the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches (CREC). He is a Senior Fellow of theology at New St. Andrews College and the author of numerous books, including Reforming Marriage, The Case for Classical Christian Education, and When the Man Comes Around . He and his wife Nancy have three children and a horde of grandchildren. …

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