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Desire, Envy, Competition, Ambition

Douglas Wilson

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Desire, Envy, Competition, Ambition

Douglas Wilson


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  • Desire, Envy, Competition, Ambition

    Seeking to live obediently in this fallen world, we Christians are faced with the central duty of learning the true nature of our temptations. Often, we like to think that a list of "do nots" will keep us in the right. But this is not sufficient.

    These four sermons take a hard look at different ways we tend to break the tenth commandment. Is our desire Godly desire? Are we driven by Christian ambition or poisonous envy? And just what does the Bible have to say about the way we compete? Sermons in this set:

    1. Desire Runs Deep

    2. Heavier Than Wet Sand

    3. A More Excellent Way

    4. Real Ambition

  • Desire, Envy, Competition, Ambition

    Seeking to live obediently in this fallen world, we Christians are faced with the central duty of learning the true nature of our temptations. Often, we like to think that a list of "do nots" will keep us in the right. But this is not sufficient.

    These four sermons take a hard look at different ways we tend to break the tenth commandment. Is our desire Godly desire? Are we driven by Christian ambition …

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