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Crispin's Rainy Day

Forrest Dickison

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Crispin's Rainy Day

Forrest Dickison


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    Low wages. Safe return unlikely. Captain Crispin seeks the long-lost lightning blade!

    Do you have the courage to explore dark ocean deeps and face down giant Octopi?

    Can you endure the heat of Lava Peak and pluck a fire flower?

    And if the pursuit takes you to Pirate’s Doom , will you defend the crew against all foes?

    Your reward: glory and honor. And cake.

  • Forrest Dickison illustrates children’s books, paints landscapes, and works in animation. He and his wife Danielle live in Moscow, Idaho and have three young daughters. Forrest illustrated all the books in the Hello, Ninja series, which became a hit original series on Netflix , and he also wielded the paint behind Sir Badalot and Blah Blah Black Sheep . Visit him online at …

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