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Biblical Childrearing

Douglas Wilson

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Biblical Childrearing

Douglas Wilson


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  • God graciously disciplines and restores His children when they sin, and parents must learn how to do the same with their sons and daughters.

    Too often, however, parents do not imitate their heavenly Father, thus failing to truly discipline and love their children. This four-part sermon series reviews reasons for and goals of godly childrearing, while presenting practical help on the manner and mechanics of biblical discipline.

    The following topics are included in this set:

    1. How Are You Doing?

    2. Masculine & Feminine Identity

    3. Principles of Biblical Discipline

    4. The Practice of Biblical Discipline

  • God graciously disciplines and restores His children when they sin, and parents must learn how to do the same with their sons and daughters.

    Too often, however, parents do not imitate their heavenly Father, thus failing to truly discipline and love their children. This four-part sermon series reviews reasons for and goals of godly childrearing, while presenting practical help on the manner and mechanics of biblical discipline.

    The …

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