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A Worldview Wheel

Douglas Wilson

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A Worldview Wheel

Douglas Wilson


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  • A Worldview Wheel

    "Worldview" language is very common among Christians, particularly among Reformed Christians. But what are we talking about? Where did this way of talking come from? And where is it going?

    The following sermons are included in this set:

    1. The Axle of Grace

    2. Catachesis

    3. Lifestyle

    4. Symbol/Liturgy

    5. Narrative

    6. Assembling the Wheel

  • A Worldview Wheel

    "Worldview" language is very common among Christians, particularly among Reformed Christians. But what are we talking about? Where did this way of talking come from? And where is it going?

    The following sermons are included in this set:

    1. The Axle of Grace

    2. Catachesis

    3. Lifestyle

    4. Symbol/Liturgy

    5. Narrative

    6. Assembling the Wheel

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