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A Woman Who Fears the Lord Is To Be Praised

Canon Press

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A Woman Who Fears the Lord Is To Be Praised

Canon Press

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  • Proverbs 31:30

    Click "Read More" below to learn more about the bundle.

    Contentment is not a boring virtue, it is a miracle and a mystery.

    We tend to think being "stressed out" is a normal state of affairs, and that contentment means sitting back and just bottling things up. For the Christian, however, contentment is something we must apply, work at, and make our own in every circumstance because anxiety and frustration are not neutral behaviors.

    It is certainly easier to go with our natural impulses when times are very hard or even just "annoying," but …

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  • Proverbs 31:30

    Click "Read More" below to learn more about the bundle.

    Contentment is not a boring virtue, it is a miracle and a mystery.

    We tend to think being "stressed out" is a normal state of affairs, and that contentment means sitting back and just bottling things up. For the Christian, however, contentment is something we must apply, work at, and make our own in every circumstance because anxiety and …

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