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A Biblical Home

Douglas Wilson

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A Biblical Home

Douglas Wilson


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  • A Biblical Home

    Douglas Wilson walks through the Christian home, teaching from the Scriptures how each area of Christian life requires self-sacrifice and humility. Husbands, wives, and children learn that by giving their lives away, their home will be filled with joy and delight. And those demanding service from others will ultimately find their home barren and desolate. The first volume of this sermon series addresses the "front rooms," while the second volume addresses the remaining "back rooms."

    The following topics are included in this set:

    1. Front Porch and Door (Deut. 11:18-21)

    2. The Living Room (Phil. 2:1-4)

    3. Celebrating the Holidays (Est. 9:26-27)

    4. The Kitchen (Gal. 5:6, 13)

    5. The Dining Room - Sabbath (Lev. 23:1-3)

    6. The Dining Room (1 Tim. 4:1-5)

    7. The Bedroom (Rom. 12:1-2)

    8. Sleep in the Bedroom (Prov. 3:21-26)

    9. The Death Bed (Ps. 116:10-19)

    10. The Kids' Bedrooms (Col. 3:20)

    11. The Entertainment Center (Phil. 4:8-9)

    12. The Closet (Prov. 31:21-22; Exod. 21:10)

    13. The Bathroom (Deut. 23:12-14

    14. The Proverbial Woodshed (Heb. 12:8-13)

    15. The Bills Desk (Prov. 27:23-27)

    16. Miscellaneous Spots (Rom. 12:1-3)

  • A Biblical Home

    Douglas Wilson walks through the Christian home, teaching from the Scriptures how each area of Christian life requires self-sacrifice and humility. Husbands, wives, and children learn that by giving their lives away, their home will be filled with joy and delight. And those demanding service from others will ultimately find their home barren and desolate. The first volume of this sermon series addresses the "front rooms," …

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