an ungrateful complaint from another whose present wasn’t as cool as their sibling’s,
a tired parent whose efforts weren’t well-received…
and then the holiday turns into a fussy afternoon, and you want to throw the whole thing out.
Is this kingdom work, or busy work?
No one outside your home sees you re-baking a smashed cake or cleaning up mud after a snow day. Does daily homemaking really move the Gospel forward? Shouldn’t you be doing something besides closing the back door for the fourteenth time?
But these are doubts the devil needs you to believe to steal your courage and make you ineffective for God’s kingdom.
As a Christian mother, wife, homemaker, your mission is to build a godly culture out of every moment. There’s nothing more essential to the progress of the Gospel than that.
It’s not white-collar work—it’s apron-and-soap-suds work.
Sometimes we act like the only way to really grow God’s kingdom is to lead a ladies small group, read commentaries, do Greek word studies, write a devotional. And those are all great things. But your main calling is to love God’s Word and have that come out in your life as pie crusts, vegetable gardens, and children—eternal souls—that glorify God.
Homemaking is not for the faint-of-heart.
You’re on an adventure with world-changing stakes, punctuated by the daily battles of broken dishes, scuffed knees, fear, and ingratitude. But the result is a beautiful hub of feasting and enjoyment of God’s gifts.
So let’s get good at this.